Geographic Perspective These
activities offer interactive hands-on
opportunities to become acquainted with significant elements of the
biblical world. You will need Google Earth to do these activities (download it free).
(1) The Ancient Near Eastern Setting
(2) Charting the (Traditional) Exodus Route
(3) Significant Places in Biblical Israel
(4) The Tribal Allotments
(5) Gaining Perspective on the Life of Jesus of Nazareth
(6) Paul’s Missionary Journeys
| Making Maps These
activities guide users to make their own maps starting with free templates. They can be completed by using a Bible with maps or
Google Earth (download it free). (1) Abraham’s Travels (2) Jacob’s Travels (3) Israel’s Travels from Egypt to the Land of
Promise (traditional) (4) Conquest of Canaan (5) Tribal Allotments
(6) Judges of Israel (7) Major Cities of Israel, Judah, and Competing
Kingdoms and Empires
(8) Prophets
(9) Israel at the Time of Jesus
(10) The Spread of Christianity
| Resources Pictures of biblical locations (free)
Israel Antiquities Authority (free)
Bodies of water in the Bible (opens in Google Earth) Rome Europe across the centuries
Paul's Missionary Journeys