Charting the (Traditional) Exodus Route (b) Un-check all boxes in the Layers panel (1). You may wish to minimize the layers panel (2). Click to un-check “All Bible Places” in Places panel (3). Click on plus mark next to “All Bible Places (Chapters)” (3). (c) Click plus next to “All Bible Places (Chapters)” (3), the plus next to Numbers, and the plus next to Num 33. Click on the box next to Rameses to put a check mark in it. Read Numbers 33. Each time Israel camps put a check mark in the box of that location until the people arrive on the plains of Moab (do not put check marks every place mentioned only in the places they camp). Orient the map so that the Sinai region is in the center of the screen (see illustration below) . Use the mouse: point and click to move map, scrolling wheel adjusts altitude. Alternatively, use the tools in the upper right part of the screen (4 above). (d) From the drop-down “Add” menu at the top of the screen select “Path” -- alternately, use the “Add Path” icon on the upper toolbar (see illustration on left, below). In the pop-up window type “The Wilderness Journeys,” or the like (5), click on the “Style, Color” tab (6), and adjust the width of the line as you see fit (7). Re-read Numbers 33 and on the map click on Rameses and then click on each place Israel camped, in order, stretching the line to connect all of the places and show the travel sequence (the image below on the right illustrates plotting the first few camp locations). Double click on the last location (Abel-shittim ) to end the connected lines.
The biblical accounts of Israel's wilderness travels present significant challenges, including numerous unknown locations and coordinating the several biblical witnesses. For introduction to the challenges of Israel’s wilderness travels, see Schnittjer, The Torah Story, 233-34, 245, 438, 440-41. (e) If you wish to save your work, click “Edit” drop-down menu on the upper toolbar, and click “Copy Image.” Next, open an image editing program and paste the image (like Pp). Copyright © 2009 Return to The Biblical Geography Workshop