This activity has a couple of options. First, you may work with a Bible which has maps (often located in the back) or Alphabetical Scriptural Maps (instructions) and the scripture texts linked below (download Google Earth free). Second, you may create your map by hand in which case print out the PDF version below, or on your computer in which case use the Pp version. Click here for very brief instructions regarding working with maps in Pp. Part A, Israel and Judah Use this map (PDF version) (Pp version) (alternate version). Locate the following cities, mountains, and bodies of water in biblical Israel and Judah:
Part B, Major Cities of Competing Kingdoms and Empires Use this map (PDF version) (Pp version) (alternate version). Keep in mind the way ancient societies functioned centered on the cities. Locate the following kingdoms and empires, by relative region or capital city, as well as other cities and rivers:
Part C, Jerusalem
Topography Use this map (PDF version)
(Pp version) (alternate version). Locate the following places associated with ancient
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