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Walt Disney Films
Selected important films produced under Walt Disney.
Three Little Pigs (1933, Burt Gillett, [produced by Walt Disney], 8 min.)[1]
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (1937, [David Hand uncredited], [produced by Walt Disney], 83 min.)
Pinocchio (1940, Hamilton Luske and Ben Sharpsteen, [produced by Walt Disney], 88 min.)
Fantasia (1940, [produced by Walt Disney], 120 min.)
Dumbo (1941, Ben Sharpsteen, [produced by Walt Disney], 64 min.)
Bambi (1942, David Hand, [produced by Walt Disney], 70 min.)
Suggested reading, Neal Gabler, Walt Disney: the Triumph of the American Imagination (Vintage, 2006).

[1] This short has often been considered as an allegory on the Depression.

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